

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,一位名为Sui Xiaoning的48岁中国女子因涉嫌行贿40万美元将儿子送入加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California at Los Angeles)就读,在西班牙被捕。

Latest parent charged in college admissions scandal arrested in Spain, to be extradited to US

Fox News

A woman accused of paying $400,000 to get her son into the University of California, Los Angeles, as a fake soccer recruit has become the 52nd person charged in a sweeping college admissions bribery scheme, according to an indictment unsealed Tuesday.


表示“行贿,贿赂”,英文解释为“the act of giving bribes”举个🌰:

We tried everything – persuasion, bribery, threats.



表示“起诉书,诉状”,英文解释为“an official written statement charging someone with a criminal offence”。

Xiaoning Sui, 48, a Chinese national who resides in Surrey, British Columbia, was charged with a single count of conspiracy and fraud in the indictment unsealed in Boston's federal court. Authorities say she was arrested in Spain on Monday night and was being held there while authorities seek to extradite her to the United States.


熟词僻义,表示“(被指控的)罪状,罪名,事项”,英文解释为“one of the crimes that someone is charged with”,如:count of theft/burglary/murder,举个🌰:

Davis was found not guilty on all counts.


He was charged with two counts of theft.



此处表示“关押,扣留”,英文解释为“to keep someone somewhere, and not allow them to leave”举个🌰:

Police are holding two men in connection with the robbery.



表示“引渡”,英文解释为“to use a legal process to send someone who may be guilty of a crime back to the country where the crime happened in order to judge them in a court of law”。

Sui is the first person to be charged since June, when parent Jeffrey Bizzack pleaded guilty to paying $250,000 to get his son into the University of Southern California as a fake athlete. Dozens of others were charged in March when authorities announced the investigation.


表示“(在法庭上)承认(否认)有罪,认(罪)”,英文解释为“to state in a court of law whether or not you are guilty of a crime”,如:plead guilty/not guilty/innocent,下文就出现了Salcedo has pleaded not guilty 拒不认罪,举个🌰:

Henderson pled guilty to burglary.


Prosecutors say Sui paid $400,000 to a sham charity operated by the mastermind behind the college admissions scandal, William "Rick" Singer, as part of a scheme to have her son admitted to UCLA as a soccer recruit despite him never having played the sport competitively before.


表示“假的;仿制的;伪造的;冒充的”,英文解释为“made to appear real in order to deceive people”,如:a sham marriage 假结婚。


表示“(尤指犯罪活动的)出谋划策者,主谋”,英文解释为“someone who plans and organizes a complicated operation, especially a criminal operation”,如:a criminal mastermind 犯罪主谋。

Singer worked with Laura Janke, a former assistant soccer coach at USC, to fabricate an athletic profile depicting Sui's son as a top player on two private soccer clubs in Canada, prosecutors said. Both Singer and Janke have pleaded guilty. Sui's son was admitted to UCLA as a soccer player in November 2018, authorities say, and was awarded a 25 percent scholarship.

Sui previously sent her son’s transcript and photos of him playing tennis to Singer, but was eventually told over a conference call that there was an opening on UCLA’s soccer team and that money sent to the school’s soccer coach in the form of a $100,000 bribe would guarantee her son’s admission to the university, the Los Angeles Times reported.


表示“(大学的)学生成绩单”,英文解释为“an official college document that shows a list of a student’s classes and the results they received”。

The case was outlined in a March indictment against former UCLA soccer coach Jorge Salcedo that didn't identify Sui by name. The document said only that Salcedo accepted $200,000 to help two of Singer's clients get their children admitted as soccer recruits, including one in October 2018. Salcedo has pleaded not guilty.

Of the 51 people previously charged, 23 have pleaded guilty, including "Desperate Housewives" star Felicity Huffman, who paid $15,000 to rig her daughter's SAT score. She was sentenced last week to 14 days in prison, 250 hours of community service and a $30,000 fine.


表示“(欺骗性地)幕后操纵”,英文解释为“If someone rigs an election, a job appointment, or a game, they dishonestly arrange it to get the result they want or to give someone an unfair advantage.”举个🌰:

She accused her opponents of rigging the vote.


Another 28 defendants are contesting the charges against them, including "Full House" actress Lori Loughlin and her fashion designer husband, Mossimo Giannulli, who are accused of paying to get their two daughters into USC as fake athletes on the crew team.


熟词僻义,表示“质疑;辩驳;驳斥”,英文解释为“If you contest a formal statement, a claim, a judge's decision, or a legal case, you say formally that it is wrong or unfair and try to have it changed.”举个🌰:

We will certainly contest any claims made against the safety of our products.


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